Wednesday, October 14, 2015


This morning Cole had to take child #2 to the urgent care clinic. He woke up with a tummy that felt hard and was tender to the touch. As a mama, I don't wait or mess around with abdominal pain. It's not something that I wait out or ignore. My "what if's" in my brain kick in to high gear, so off to the clinic they went this morning. As of right now, it looks like it is just some bad constipation. So a copy and some suppositories later, here we are sitting on the couch waiting for the meds to kick in and help out boy go, if you know what I mean. 

Every time my kids are sick, I have to work hard to reel in my worse case scenario imagination. My imagination is both a blessing and a curse. So right now as I sit here and watch my little guy moan in pain, I want so badly for it to stop, minor illness though it is. I won't so badly to take it all away. I would take this pain on for him if I could. And that gets me thinking about Jesus. 

Being a parent gives you such a different perspective on the Lord. When your child throws a tantrum, you see your own selfishness and depravity as you think of the many times you have thrown your own spiritual tantrum because God didn't answer your prayers the way you wanted or in your timing. You are reminded of your inability to keep all of God's statues when you see your child make the same bad choice again and again; you realize that you do the same thing with the Lord with your own son patterns. And today I see how much love that Christ had for us as he took on the pain and suffering of our sin on the cross. How amazing! He took on that burden for us! He took on the pain of my sin and died on a cross so I don't have to live a life separated from a holy God. I am now made right with the Lord because of Christ's willingness to take on sin and pain and death for me. So as I sit hear today holding my boy, i  going to let the truth of the gospel wash over me. I am going to let this minor suffering today remind me of the enormous love my Savior has for me, that he took on my sin to set me free. I pray today it will remind me of the weight of my sin and help me love those around me more like Christ does. What about you? What things do you see in your own life that are types and shadows of the gospel? Let them point us to Christ and transform our lives today!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

If I Could Write a Letter to Me....

Several years ago, Brad Paisley had a song that played on the radio where he wrote a letter to his teenage self.  I have thought of this song often since I hit my 30's.  The wonderful thing about being 30 is that I lived enough life to realize I am not all wise, but had enough life experience to have some wisdom.  Here's what I would put in my letter to my teenage self. Caution: Sass level is about to increase!

1.  Know that you are not enough.  You were not created to be independent of an all-knowing, all-seeing, outside of time God.  If you were enough, you would have no need of a Savior.  That is why all of the self-love advice that you receive still has you feeling depleted and unsatisfied.  Your worth and beauty comes from being a daughter of the King.  He has taken away your shame and sin and has made you HIS.  And being his is enough!

2.  Don't let good grades become an idol.  Grades are important but are not the most important thing.  When you do your schoolwork, work as unto the Lord and NOT unto man.  And trust if you have been faithful to study, the Lord will be faithful to give you the right grade, which, by the way, may not always be an "A."  And if you do get a bad grade, know that the God that you serve is bigger than an "F."  He is the same one that raised Christ from the you seriously think he can't overcome a bad grade?  Let HIM define what success looks like.  Remember the story of Joseph...halfway through that story he was imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit...but look how God was glorified in that.

3.  Just because something is advertised as stylish doesn't mean you have to buy into it....oh sister...if you could see some of the pics of you now....and how some of these styles are coming back again.  Make your own decisions on what looks good on you....who cares if it's "in".  You will waste time, money, and energy trying to keep up with the ever changing style of society.  Be modest and be you.

4.  You are bigger than someone's opinion of you.  You, dear girl, are a people pleaser.  You desperately want to be liked...but guess what? Not everyone is going to like you.  Some people are going to hate you.  And that's ok.  But know that just because they don't see your worth, point of view, or talent, does not mean their opinion is right or true.  Again, you will waste too much time worrying and stressing over opinions of people who don't really matter.  Seek truth in the word of God and let your only offense be the gospel of Christ.

5.  Everyone goes through an awkward phase...EVERYONE!  I know you feel like you are in a body that doesn't feel completely like yours.  Everyone has their body issues...too skinny, too big, acne, short, tall....the list goes on and on. Refer back to number one.  The beauty that matters is the beauty that comes from the radiance of the love of Christ that is in you, and no matter what anyone tells you, that is enough.  When you are comfortable with yourself, others will be too.

6.  Create healthy habits now.  Learn how to eat healthy and exercise now.  It won't hit you so hard when you start your freshman year of college if you will learn that man cannot live on pop tarts and diet coke alone;)

7.  Be real.  Your emotions and ability to empathize and be sensitive to the things around you are a gift.  When you are real with others, they learn that it is safe to be real with you.  It's ok to cry...even in front of others.  Tears are not a sign of weakness but the sign of a caring heart.  You do not have to contain your emotions in an attempt to show strength.  It will blow up in your face every time.  At the same time, don't use your emotions as a means of manipulation.  Be pure of heart.

8.  Be ok with being "you."  You love reading.  You are a bookworm.  You love to write.  You dream of being a wife and mom one day (fyi....that dreams comes true and it's the hardest and BEST job you will ever have!).  You can sit at the piano for hours and play.  You love to sit alone outside and daydream.  You love all things old, antique, vintage.  You want to be in bed by 10 and up with the sun.  You like spending time with the senior adults in your church.  You have an old soul already at the age of 15.  You would rather sit at home on Saturday night over anything else.  You love spending time with your family.  BE OKAY WITH ALL OF THIS.....God has uniquely shaped you to be you.  Don't change for anyone accept him if something in your character doesn't match up with His call on your life.

9.  Keep your standards high.  Don't give up because you don't see any guys out there you can hold up to your ideal.  He's out there...I promise!  Be patient and wait for someone who will pursue you and lead you in the way God intended.  The love story God writes for you is so much more amazing than anything you find in a book or your own imagination.  Develop into the woman of God the Lord is calling you to be.  The man (not boy) that God has for you will be along your side and you won't even notice because you will be so focused on the ONE who already is the love of your life...Christ.  He is your prince...the one that has set you free from the curse of sin and death.  He has awakened you to a new life in HIM.  So while you wait for your intended to come along devote yourself to prayer, to being in God's word, and to following hard after the Lord.  Hide yourself in HIM!  Those are the things that will be attractive to the kind of guy you want to pursue you.  And let guys pursue you...(and your question is what if they don't)...and if they don't, then they aren't the one for you anyways.  Let God deal with the consequences of your obedience.  He already knows road.  Let him guide you.

10.  Keep Christ at the center of all things.  He is your truth...he is your guide...he is your everything.  Run to him, cling to him, cry to him....because he know, he sees, and he cares.  He is in all, through all, and in him all things hold together.  Hold fast to him as life seems to be spinning out of control.  At just the right time, he will work, even if that doesn't always match up with the timing you thing he should have.

I'll see you in the mirror in 15ish years......